Assembled my keitai strap collection in one box

Super cute!  All the straps that I have starting with my time in Japan (except the Hello Kitties that I assembled into two charm bracelets, which I can’t wear in the library because the bells are so noisy, lol)  I only have one on my phone of course, the others I rotate on my 3DS, which I still have many <3 s for ^_^.  I spent a couple hours cheating my Pokedex 3D to get the full complement of 151 pokemon that can be downloaded (sans the ones that you have to find someone else to get – for me: Pansage, Simisage, Pansear, Simisear, Male Unfezant, Frillish, and Jellicent, as well as all the Deerlings and Sawsbucks except Spring. )

Including my recent acquisitions:

and for Carlos for his birthday, who immediately dropped it into his black hole of a bedside table:


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